LUCIA Project at the First Conference on Lung Cancer in the Basque Country!

On 9 and 10 May 2024, Doctors Eunate Arana Arri and Mónica Saiz, researchers of the LUCIA EU Project, participated in the 1st Conference on Lung Cancer of the Basque Country.

During the conference, various topics were discussed regarding advances in the treatment of early stages of non-metastatic lung cancer.

Dr. Eunate Arana, head of the Internationalization and Project Coordination Unit of the Biobizkaia Health Research Institute, presented the LUCIA EU project to the attendees, highlighting the importance of research in the identification of new risk factors and the establishment of a screening program that allows reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with this pathology; trying to validate new early detection diagnostic tests. Lung cancer has been trending in recent years with a significant increase in its incidence and prevalence, and also with an increasing incidence in non-smoking people.

Dr. Mónica Saiz, pathologist at Cruces University Hospital, has highlighted the importance of early molecular diagnosis, focusing on the evaluation of the pathological response after neoadjuvant treatment.

Numerous clinicians from Osakidetza and other researchers from the LUCIA project also attended the event, such as Dr. Larraitz Garcia Echeberria, Unai Jimenez, Eider Azkona, Marian Sala, Marta Lázaro and Estíbaliz Montejo among others.
